[mou] early Great Blue Heron

Wildchough@aol.com Wildchough@aol.com
Sun, 6 Feb 2005 20:50:14 EST

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Kim Eckert and I had a Great Blue Heron on Friday afternoon landing in the 
trees of the Pig's Eye Slough heronry, presumably an early migrant.  Also 2 
White Pelicans in with the Canada Geese, at least one of which is injured.  Birds 
visible from the spiral bridge overlook in South St. Paul.  Bob Russell

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=3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">Kim Eckert and I had a Great Blue H=
eron on Friday afternoon landing in the trees of the Pig's Eye Slough heronr=
y, presumably an early migrant.&nbsp; Also 2 White Pelicans in with the Cana=
da Geese, at least one of which is injured.&nbsp; Birds visible from the spi=
ral bridge overlook in South St. Paul.&nbsp; Bob Russell</FONT></HTML>
