[mou] MNSCB :: 2005 Annual Meeting Registration

Derric Pennington penn0107@umn.edu
Tue, 8 Feb 2005 12:24:40 -0600

Dear Minnesota Conservationists,

Please join us for the 2005 annual meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of
the Society for Conservation Biology and the MN American Fisheries
Society from March 14-16, 2005, in Grand Rapids, MN.

This year=92s meeting will include oral and poster presentations, a =
and silent auction, and a brief MN SCB Chapter meeting. In addition,
there will be a conservation-focused workshop on Wednesday morning and
outdoor activities.

Register NOW to take advantage of the $35 early registration fee; after
FEBRUARY 14 registration will be $45. A registration form is attached
(mnscb_2005_mtgreg.pdf). More information can be found at
http://www.conbio.net/SCB/MN2005Meeting_EN.asp, on our website (which is
newly hosted by the International SCB server)!

Please e-mail Derric (penn0107@umn.edu), annual meeting committee chair,
with questions.

Kelly Paulson
Secretary, MN SCB