[mou] another Am White Pelican, cormorant, Merlin

Chris Mansfield bikebirder75@yahoo.com
Thu, 10 Feb 2005 08:13:45 -0800 (PST)

Sorry for the late report--

Sunday, Feb. 6th I walked the trail leading east along the MN river
from underneath the 77 bridge in Dakota Co.   At the first big bend in
the river, about 3/4 mile east of the bridge, was a flock of Common
Mergansers (and eagles to watch them) plus one imm. Double-crested
Cormorant and one Am. White Pelican with an injured left wing.  The
pelican seemed healthy and wary otherwise, and was feeding close to the
river bank.  I have to wonder if it wandered over from Long Meadow or
Black Dog lake somehow, or has spent the entire winter in the river so

In St. Paul at Shepard and Gannon (Highland Park neighborhood) later
that afternoon an imm/female taiga Merlin was on the lawn of the US
Bank building with a recently-killed starling.  After a few moments it
rearranged its prey and flew with some effort uphill over hwy 5, and I
lost sight of it.  I felt lucky to be there at just the right
time--Merlins are one of my favorite birds and I haven't seen many
since I've lived in the Twin Cities.


Chris Mansfield
Richfield, Hennepin Co. MN

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