[mou] Sad great grey owl story

Gwyn Calvetti rcalvettijr@centurytel.net
Thu, 10 Feb 2005 12:03:24 -0600

I just got off the phone with my dad, who had talked to my cousin living 
in the Grand Rapids area.
Seems my cousin was at a social gathering with a game warden friend, and 
knowing I was heading upthis weekend to see owls and other birds, the 
discussion went to owls.  His friend shared one situation he dealt with 
recently in which a GGO crashed through a picture window and of course 
was killed. 

It took just a little while to figure out what had happened.  The 
homeowners had a small terrier type dog that likes to sit in the window 
sill.  The poor owl must have thought he'd found lunch.

I don't know the exact location, but am assuming that since Steve lives 
and works just outside Grand Rapids, his friend does as well.

Gwyn Calvetti
near LaCrosse Wisconsin