[mou] Pine County Great Gray Owls

BobHoltz1933@aol.com BobHoltz1933@aol.com
Sat, 12 Feb 2005 22:35:05 EST

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This afternoon I took my wife and four friends, none of whom are serious 
birders, on a 3:45-5:30 tour in Pine County. We found 28 Great Grays, two Bald 
Eagles and a Northern Shrike. Our route was east from Hinckley on 48, north on 
24, west on 30, south on 21 and back west on 48. The owls were well scattered. 
No concentration in any area.

For Randy Frederickson:

About 60 miles in the county and 140 other round trip miles.
About $25 for gas, but none purchased in the county. Someone else drove.
About $75 for food.

Bob Holtz

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<DIV>This afternoon I took my wife and four friends, none of whom are seriou=
s birders, on a 3:45-5:30 tour in Pine County. We found 28 Great Grays, two=20=
Bald Eagles and a Northern Shrike. Our route was east from Hinckley on 48, n=
orth on 24, west on 30, south on 21 and back west on 48. The owls were well=20=
scattered. No concentration in any area.</DIV>
<DIV>For Randy Frederickson:</DIV>
<DIV>About 60 miles in the county and 140 other round trip miles.</DIV>
<DIV>About $25&nbsp;for gas, but none purchased in the county. Someone else=20=
<DIV>About $75 for food.</DIV>
<DIV>Bob Holtz</DIV></BODY></HTML>
