[mou] Great Gray Owl request

BobHoltz1933@aol.com BobHoltz1933@aol.com
Tue, 15 Feb 2005 14:47:03 EST

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I have received a request from an avid birder in Washington State. He will be 
in Minnesota this weekend and would very much like to see a few great grays. 
He will have a car and on Saturday will be driving from the Twin Cities to 
Duluth. If you will be owling along that route and would be willing to have him 
accompany you for a while, please e-mail him ASAP. His name and address are Ron 
Rabin at ron@kirlinfoundation.org. If he has not heard from anyone by 
Thursday, he will notify me and I will give him some driving directions for finding 
owls in Pine County. However, his first choice is be able to bird with others.

Thanks for being helpful.

Bob Holtz

If you are too busy to go birding, you are too busy.

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<DIV>I have received a request from an avid birder in Washington State. He w=
ill be in Minnesota this weekend and would very much like to see a few great=
 grays. He will have a car and on Saturday will be driving from the Twin Cit=
ies to Duluth. If you will be owling along that route and would be willing t=
o have him accompany you for a while, please e-mail him ASAP. His name and a=
ddress are Ron Rabin at <A href=3D"mailto:ron@kirlinfoundation.org">ron@kirl=
infoundation.org</A>. If he has not heard from anyone by Thursday, he will n=
otify me and I will give him some driving directions for finding owls in Pin=
e County. However, his first choice is be able to bird with others.</DIV>
<DIV>Thanks for being helpful.</DIV>
<DIV>Bob Holtz</DIV>
<DIV><FONT lang=3D0 face=3DArial size=3D2 FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" PTSIZE=3D"10"=
>If you are too busy to go birding, you are too busy.</FONT></DIV></BODY></H=
