[mou] Great Backyard Bird Count

John Green jgreen@d.umn.edu
Tue, 15 Feb 2005 16:24:56 -0600 (Central Standard Time)

This is a message from Jan Green on John's email which we both use.

Calling all birders.  The "Great Backyard Bird Count" is coming up this
next weekend - February 18th through 21st.  Help put Minnesota (and its
owls) on the national map by going out to count birds one (or all) of
these days.  The process is easy.  Find a good spot to see birds (and
owls) and report the result to the website: www.birdsource.org/gbbc.

For more information look at my MOU-net post of February 1st "Owls on a
National Map".  Besides owls Minnesota should do well on redpolls and
grosbeaks, not to mention really good birds like Gyrfalcon, Three-toed
Woodpecker, etc.
