[mou] Sax Zim & Two Harbors Feb 15th

Jbaines317@aol.com Jbaines317@aol.com
Wed, 16 Feb 2005 08:44:53 EST

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Introduced some Missouri friends to the bog yesterday. The day started slowly 
but luckily we were able to locate both northern owl species and the 
sightings picked up after 3pm. We struck out on the Snowy but luckily the girls are 
working in Duluth over the next few days so maybe they'll have better luck. We 
met quite a few charming & friendly locals in Two Harbors and the Bog.

The total was 14 Great Gray Owls and 7 Northern Hawk Owls.
The other highlights were the flock of White-winged Crossbills feeding on Owl 
Avenue south of Arkola, two northern shrikes (hwy 61 north of McDowell, Sax 
Zim Hwy 7), a Ruffed Grouse (corner of Owl Ave & Arkola) and a flock of 
Red-breasted Mergansers displaying to each other (Duluth).

A great day but definitely less owls hunting in the daylight than last time I 
was in the bog in January.

Jen Vieth

Owl locations & Money spent follow:

Great Gray Owls:
4-Intersection Arkola & Stickney SE & SW corners
1-Hwy 7 south of Stone Lake Rd.
3-Hwy 7 south of Stone Lake Rd closer to Sax Avenue
3-between Sax & Niemi
1-Hwy 133

Northern Hawk Owls:
1-SE corner of Racek & Co Rd 229
1-Owl Ave North of 202
1- Intersection Arkola & Stickney SW corner
1-Hwy 7 between Stone Lake Rd & Sax Rd.
1-Between Sax Rd & Niemi
1-Intersection of Hwy 7 & Arkola
1-Hwy 7 between Arkola & 133.

Since they were in for work I can't really count travel & lodging expenses 
for them.
Gas: 20$
Food: 30$

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<DIV>Introduced some Missouri friends to the bog yesterday. The day started=20=
slowly but luckily we were able to locate both northern owl species and the=20=
sightings picked up after 3pm. We struck out on the Snowy but luckily the gi=
rls&nbsp;are working in Duluth over the next few days so maybe they'll have=20=
better luck. We met quite a few charming &amp; friendly locals in Two Harbor=
s and the Bog.</DIV>
<DIV>The total was 14 Great Gray Owls and 7 Northern Hawk Owls.</DIV>
<DIV>The other highlights were the flock of White-winged Crossbills feeding=20=
on Owl Avenue south of Arkola, two northern shrikes (hwy 61 north of McDowel=
l, Sax Zim Hwy 7), a Ruffed Grouse (corner of Owl Ave &amp; Arkola) and a fl=
ock of Red-breasted Mergansers displaying to each other (Duluth).</DIV>
<DIV>A great day but definitely less owls hunting in the daylight than last=20=
time I was in the bog in January.</DIV>
<DIV>Jen Vieth</DIV>
<DIV>Owl locations &amp; Money spent follow:</DIV>
<DIV>Great Gray Owls:</DIV>
<DIV>4-Intersection Arkola &amp; Stickney SE &amp; SW corners</DIV>
<DIV>1-Hwy 7 south of Stone Lake Rd.</DIV>
<DIV>3-Hwy 7 south of Stone Lake Rd closer to Sax Avenue</DIV>
<DIV>3-between Sax &amp; Niemi</DIV>
<DIV>1-Hwy 133</DIV>
<DIV>Northern Hawk Owls:</DIV>
<DIV>1-SE corner of Racek &amp; Co Rd 229</DIV>
<DIV>1-Owl Ave North of 202</DIV>
<DIV>1- Intersection Arkola &amp; Stickney SW corner</DIV>
<DIV>1-Hwy 7 between Stone Lake Rd &amp; Sax Rd.</DIV>
<DIV>1-Between Sax Rd &amp; Niemi</DIV>
<DIV>1-Intersection of Hwy 7 &amp; Arkola</DIV>
<DIV>1-Hwy 7 between Arkola &amp; 133.</DIV>
<DIV>Since they were in for work I can't really count travel &amp; lodging&n=
bsp;expenses for them.</DIV>
<DIV>Gas: 20$</DIV>
<DIV>Food: 30$</DIV></BODY></HTML>
