[mou] Evening Grossbeaks

Tom Crumpton reforest@wiktel.com
Wed, 16 Feb 2005 09:38:09 -0600

Evening grosbeak numbers here may be declining during mid day hours. 
This morning there were approx. 60 evening grosbeaks feeding, plus a 
fair number of pine grosbeaks.  There are also lots of redpolls with the 
occasional hoary redpoll.  Evening grosbeaks generally here year 
around.  They do not frequent the feeder as regularly, or for as long, 
during the summer.  The location is on the canadian border in extreme 
North North Central MN.  Feeder site actually overlooks Canada. If 
anyone is interested they are welcome to contact me.  Had a visitor from 
England last weekend to see them. A pileated woodpecker stopped in while 
here was here and a eagle flew by also.  Its a very private location and 
you won't see it from any roadway.
Take Care Tom Crumpton
218 634 1310