[mou] Great Gray and Kare 11

BobHoltz1933@aol.com BobHoltz1933@aol.com
Wed, 16 Feb 2005 14:43:37 EST

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I had another conversation with Ken Speake of Kare 11 today. He had a call 
from someone berating him for approaching so close to the owl seen on last 
night's 6:00 news. Some of you e-mailed me about this also. Most of us, yours truly 
included, probably failed to pick up on the fact that he did not approach the 
owl that closely. It flew near to him and the lady while they were observing 
it from a distance. Ken has a keen sense of appreciation for wildlife and 
wants to do what is ethical.
I do not know if the person who called Ken is an MOU member, but we should 
all speak with respect, even to those with whom we disagree. Let's also keep the 
image of the MOU and MOU members in mind when dealing with each other and the 

Bob Holtz

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<META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.2800.1106" name=3DGENERATOR></HEAD>
<DIV>I had another conversation with Ken Speake of Kare 11 today. He had a c=
all from someone berating him for approaching so close to the owl seen on la=
st night's 6:00 news. Some of you e-mailed me about this also. Most of us, y=
ours truly included,&nbsp;probably failed to pick up on the fact that he did=
 not approach the owl that closely. It flew near to him and the lady while t=
hey were observing it from a distance. Ken has a keen sense of appreciation=20=
for wildlife and wants to do what is ethical.</DIV>
<DIV>I do not know if the person who called&nbsp;Ken is an MOU member, but w=
e should all speak with respect, even to those with whom we disagree. Let's=20=
also keep the image of the MOU and MOU members in mind when dealing with eac=
h other and the public.</DIV>
<DIV>Bob Holtz</DIV></BODY></HTML>
