[mou] No varied Thrush or White-throats

Ann and Manley Olson a_molson@unidial.com
Sun, 20 Feb 2005 13:24:47 -0600

In the past few days I have had inquires about the Varied Thrush in 
Falcon Heights and also about other Varied Thrushes in the Metro area. 
The Falcon Heights bird was last seen on Jan. 31 and there was a 
possible sighting on Feb.1.Those are the last reports.I do not know 
anything about the others,perhaps someone else does. The large flocks of 
Robins and Cedar Waxwings have also moved out of our neighborhood but a 
flock of Robins was seen not to far away in the University Grove area. 
Just a few waxwings and Siskins around.
A unrelated item:For many years there have been wintering White-throated 
Sparrows in downtown Minneapolis near the Hennepin County Government 
Center.One year at least 10 were there most of the winter.Since I do not 
go there much these days,I had not checked the area this winter.Last 
week I checked and found that the area south of the Center where the 
birds were seen has been"improved". The shrubbery where the birds were 
usually found is gone and I saw no birds,not even House Sparrows.
Manley Olson