[mou] Sandhill Crane, MN/IA border, Allamakee/HoustonCos. & more

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Thu, 24 Feb 2005 14:32:23 -0800 (PST)

Sandhill Crane---1---Pool Slough at New Albin, IA,
very close to the state line north of Army Rd.

Minnesota only:
Common Merganser---6---Miss. R. south of Brownsville.
Absent since Dec. 1.
Killdeer---1---Wildcat Landing, Hwy 26 south of
Brownsville. Last seen Dec. 10. Migrant or winter
Pine Siskin---5---Reno feeder

Iowa only: Hwy A26 very quiet. Red-t. Hawks roadside &
several Bald Eagles, adult & immature, Mallards on
Upper Iowa R., BCCHs, DEJUs, RWBLs. Bakewell's Pond
still ice & snow.
Canada Goose---75+/-, Bakewell's.
Wild Turkey---12---Hwy A26

Pool 8 LaCrosse to Reno, Minn. mostly ice & snow.

Several flocks of Canada Geese flying north over

Fred Lesher, LaCrosse, Wisconsin

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