[mou] Conservation - Threat to Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Bill Bruins wbruins@earthlink.net
Fri, 25 Feb 2005 10:56:20 -0600

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

The Arctic Wildlife Refuge is under attack -- a sneak attack.  We need your 
help right now to stop oil drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge before 
it's too late.

In the next two weeks, President Bush and his pro-drilling allies in 
Congress may try a sneaky backdoor trick to pass their controversial 
proposal to drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge by 
inserting it in the must-pass federal budget bill.

Send a message to your members of Congress demanding that they do 
everything in their power to keep drilling revenues out of the budget bill.

In March, some members of Congress will try to approve Arctic drilling by 
hiding their proposal in the federal budget bills -- the only bills that 
are exempt from filibuster or extended debate.  This sneaky attempt not 
only defies the democratic process, but it reveals the fundamental weakness 
of the push for drilling: proponents of drilling know they cannot pass this 
through the normal legislative process, so they are resorting to a 
procedural tactic to prohibit an open and honest debate.

A lot is riding on this decision.  This incomparable wilderness is home to 
more than 250 animal species, including wolves, grizzlies, caribou, and 
millions of migrating birds. Unfortunately, it is also the target of an 
intense, relentless lobbying campaign by the oil industry.

Unless we stop them, this world-class wilderness will become a vast oil 
development field.

We need you to help make some noise!  If we can draw enough attention to 
this issue, we can stop oil industry allies in Congress from getting away 
with this attempt to slip Arctic drilling into the budget bill.

William Bruins
Rochester, MN on the Zumbro River in Olmsted County, SE MN

Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"

<font color="#424743"><br>
</font><font size=2 color="#424743"><b>The Arctic Wildlife Refuge is
under attack -- a sneak attack. </b> We need your help right now to stop
oil drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge before it's too late.
In the next two weeks, President Bush and his pro-drilling allies in
Congress may try a sneaky backdoor trick to pass their controversial
proposal to drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge by
inserting it in the must-pass federal budget bill.<br><br>
<b>Send a message to your members of Congress demanding that they do
everything in their power to keep drilling revenues out of the budget
bill.</b> <br><br>
In March, some members of Congress will try to approve Arctic drilling by
hiding their proposal in the federal budget bills -- the only bills that
are exempt from filibuster or extended debate.&nbsp; This sneaky attempt
not only defies the democratic process, but it reveals the fundamental
weakness of the push for drilling: <b>proponents of drilling know they
cannot pass this through the normal legislative process, so they are
resorting to a procedural tactic to prohibit an open and honest
debate.</b> <br><br>
A lot is riding on this decision.&nbsp; <b>This incomparable wilderness
is home to more than 250 animal species, including wolves, grizzlies,
caribou, and millions of migrating birds.</b> Unfortunately, it is also
the target of an intense, relentless lobbying campaign by the oil
<b>Unless we stop them, this world-class wilderness will become a vast
oil development field.<br><br>
</b>We need you to help make some noise!&nbsp; If we can draw enough
attention to this issue, we can stop oil industry allies in Congress from
getting away with this attempt to slip Arctic drilling into the budget
William Bruins<br>
Rochester, MN on the Zumbro River in Olmsted County, SE MN<br>
