[mou] Final Report and Thanks

Tommy Curtis tcbirdwatch@DTCcom.net
Sat, 26 Feb 2005 12:40:41 -0600

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In spite of the help that birders gave through emails from several =
states and a phone call from a birder in Tennessee about where to find =
the Bohemian Waxwings, I struck out on Thursday and left Friday morning =
at 1:15 a.m. for the 17 1/2 hour drive home.  I did go up Route 2 on =
Thursday and found two Spruce Grouse and Pine Grosbeaks glowing in the =
sun in the tops of the trees.  At Isabella the Moose Head Cafe feeders =
had more grosbeaks and Redpolls and the little Hoary was evident.  On =
that same road as I rounded a curve a partridge of some kind flew up in =
their distinctive flight explosion but I didn't get a good enough look =
to call it a Gray even though I desperately wanted to.  Nothing unusual =
in Two Harbors so I spent three hours around 40th and Cooke Streets in =
Duluth but could not find anything but a female Hairy Woodpecker. =20

But there is no disappointment because it was a great trip.  The =
Gyrfalcon south of St. Paul (thanks Bob Williams and friends), the =
female Varied Thrush at the Hunt's house in White Bear Lake (great =
photos and thanks Sean and Jennie), the Great Grays and Hawk Owls in the =
Sax-Zim area when the ice on the trees at dawn made everything crystal, =
the female Black-backed and male Three-toed Woodpeckers on McDavitt Road =
at arm's length away on the trees, and the Boreal Owl on Route 61 (most =
of which I found following Mike Hendrixson's posts - thanks Mike), were =
all lifers.  The Brown Creepers at the Hunt's house, the Redpolls, the =
Red-breasted Nuthatches, and the Sharp-tailed Grouse at Superior, WI as =
I went to the point were all just bonuses.  My wife, who usually birds =
with me and has the same life list except for this trip, was sick and =
could not come and I couldn't wait any longer to see these birds.  We'll =
be back.

Tommy Curtis
Smithville, TN
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<DIV><STRONG>In spite of the help that birders gave through emails from =
states and a phone call from a birder in Tennessee about where to find =
Bohemian Waxwings, I struck out on Thursday and left Friday morning at =
1:15 a.m.=20
for the 17 1/2 hour drive home.&nbsp; I did go up Route 2 on Thursday =
and found=20
two Spruce Grouse and Pine Grosbeaks glowing in the sun in the tops of =
trees.&nbsp; At Isabella the Moose Head Cafe feeders had more grosbeaks =
Redpolls and the little Hoary was evident.&nbsp; On that same road as I =
a curve a partridge of some kind flew up in their distinctive flight =
but I didn't get a good enough look to call it a Gray even though I =
wanted to.&nbsp; Nothing unusual in Two Harbors so I spent three hours =
40th and Cooke Streets in Duluth but could not find anything but a =
female Hairy=20
Woodpecker.&nbsp; </STRONG></DIV>
<DIV><STRONG>But there is no disappointment because it was a great =
The Gyrfalcon south of St. Paul (thanks Bob Williams and friends), the =
Varied Thrush at the Hunt's house in White Bear Lake (great photos and =
Sean and Jennie), the Great Grays and Hawk Owls in the Sax-Zim area when =
the ice=20
on the trees at dawn made everything crystal, the female Black-backed =
and male=20
Three-toed Woodpeckers on McDavitt Road at arm's length away on the =
trees, and=20
the Boreal Owl on Route 61 (most of which I found following Mike =
posts - thanks Mike), were all lifers.&nbsp; The Brown Creepers at the =
house, the Redpolls, the Red-breasted Nuthatches, and the Sharp-tailed =
Grouse at=20
Superior, WI as I went to the point were all just bonuses.&nbsp; My =
wife, who=20
usually birds with me and has the same life list except for this trip, =
was sick=20
and could not come and I couldn't wait any longer to see these =
We'll be back.</STRONG></DIV>
<DIV><STRONG>Tommy Curtis</STRONG></DIV>
