[mou] Five Hawk Day; Mankato question

Pastor Al PastorAl@PrincetonFreeChurch.net
Mon, 28 Feb 2005 13:31:33 -0600

Should have known this day would be interesting with the 6:40 AM Goshawk
flying across the backyard....

Walked this morning in Pioneer Park, Princeton before work (as I do twice a
week or so - basically a half hour "nature walk" here in town) - was
startled by a Sharp-shinned Hawk at the entrance/exit.  A bit early - or an
over-winterer that just moved in to the area?

Lunch hour was spent in Sherburne NWR (quick drive around) - numerous
Rough-leggeds (five over the same fields), one Bald Eagle and one
Red-tailed - hmmm, a five hawk day in the winter.  Six, if you count the
weekend Kestrel on 169.

Normally winter weeks here hold three, sometimes four raptors.  And there is
time remaining.  Harrier?  Cooper's?  Drive down to Dakota County for the
Gyr?  Best of all, maybe a Golden?

Will be driving down to Mankato for a girl's basketball tournament (have a
freshman who is a starting forward for a tiny HS).  Are there any
interesting birding areas or unique birds present currently?  This will be
this ex-Wisconsinite's first Mankato experience, and tournaments allow for
some free time.


Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties