[mou] Roseville Varied Thrush Update

Jim Ryan muchmoredoc@hotmail.com
Sat, 01 Jan 2005 13:16:46 -0600

The thrush was seen at the NW corner of Prior & Howell at about 12:30p on 
the 1st. The bird is in the back yard, as their are several fruit trees and 
spruces nearby for cover. A good spot. It was very cooperative after a wait 
of 20 minutes or so, loafing in the second tree from the street. A robin was 
also in the same tree and provided a convenient contrast/comparison. Manley 
Olson and Mark Ochs reported Cedar Waxwings have also been seen in this 
spot. They also mentioned the home is owned by a birder friendly person. A 
great way to start the new year!

Jim in S. Mpls

"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing 
themselves."- Leo Tolstoy

PS: With all the news about irritated locals in Sax-Zim, I have one more 
idea to add to the good  suggestions put forth for allaying concerns of 
non-birders. From now on while birding, I have decided to print out some 
signs to tape in my back windows saying: MOU Bird Watcher, just so curious 
onlookers have some idea what the heck that guy slowly cruising or stopped 
on the side of the road is doing. It may ease some people's concerns and 
raise awareness as to the prevalence of bird watchers out and about.