[mou] FW: Sax-Zim solutions

Alt, Mark Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com
Sat, 1 Jan 2005 19:28:05 -0600

We are getting concerns and suggestions from out of state. Points well
made from a fellow named Jim greenway. FYI.

Mark Alt=20
MOU President
C/O J. F. Bell Museum of Natural History
University of Minnesota
10 Church Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0104

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Greenway [mailto:mtnpathfinder@msn.com]=20
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 6:44 PM
To: Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com
Subject: Sax-Zim solutions

Mark: I'm one of the probably many out of state birders that monitor the
lists for word about a GGO irruption. As a CBC compiler I'm very
to checking feeders, etc. and the potential for irking the feeder owner.
thought I'd thow out a couple of ideas that I had for the S-Z situation.

For one, never underestimate the power of capitalism and the concept of=20
"eco-tourism." If birding trip guides are compensated for showing birds
people, then why can't feeder owners be compensated for creating magnets
the birds? Down here in Ga., there are lots of private fishing holes at=20
which there is no permanent on-site caretaker. Anglers are free to come
go. A sign at the gate, however, firmly asks them to deposit a nominal
in a secure wooden drop box conspicuously located near the entrance in=20
exchange for the privilege of fishing. Perhaps asking some of the=20
property/feeder owners if they'd like to at least recoup the cost of
feed, feeders and time might encourage more of them to make the feeders=20
available for public viewing.

A combination of the "birders welcome" sign and a small, padlocked drop
with a sign that solicits a $1-2 fee or a donation might be the ticket.=20
Giving the feeder owners bags of feeder is a great idea, but how much
will many of them have for storing all of this feed? And what if they
dispose of it before it spoils? There are always those "cheapskate"
that won't donate a $10-15 bag of feed because "someone else dropped off

some" or "I gave at the last house."  Think of the economics. On a
good weekend, 30 to 40 birders might stop through. At $1 a pop, that's=20
$30-40 or enough to purchase 3-4 50 lb bags of black oil sunflower or
suet blocks per day. At only $40-50 a weekend for essentially two hours
work - one hour filling and tending; another for buying the feed - it=20
becomes a real incentive. Keep in mind that a weekend could probably net
owner enough to feed for several weeks in order to be a regular
attractor of=20
local birds.  This might even create competition among feeder owners as
begin to devise larger and more sophisticated feeder arrangements in
to become the most-visited (and compensated) yard because they've
the "most interesting" birds.

As an aside, I'm not much of a RBA "chaser." When I have visited feeders
local homes in order to pick up the unusual bird, I have taken a plate
cookies or a cake (pound, etc.) that will stay fresh and won't slide in
moving vehicle. This has bought a lot of goodwill from feeder owners who

have tolerated "free-loaders" visiting their homes.

Finally, I realize that Sax-Zim could be very close to its carrying
for visitors. Are there places *other than* Sax-Zim that out-of-staters
visit and get a reasonable opportunity at seeing these owls? I'm all the
down here in north Georgia but have been monitoring the situation in
the owls got far enough south for me to visit. My interest is so serious

that I actually try to listen to radio WELY's sunday birding show via my
internet connection!  I'd be strongly tempted to pass on Sax-Zim just to

avoid the opportunity to be run down on an icy road by another
that can't drive in snow! I have the Eckert book but I realize that=20
"on-site" intelligence might be more useful.
Happy New Year - Jim

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