[mou] FW: Winter owl survey

Alt, Mark Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com
Sun, 2 Jan 2005 16:45:57 -0600

The Owls may be heading south - we get to have fun all over again
discovering where these beautiful creatures are.  Let's build relations
with the community wherever they end up.  Good Birding!

Mark Alt=20
Brooklyn Center, MN=20
"Birds and their songs are important to me, they add to my enjoyment of

-----Original Message-----
From: sdgrossh@imap.d.umn.edu [mailto:sdgrossh@imap.d.umn.edu] On Behalf
Of Sarah Grosshuesch
Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2005 3:33 PM
To: Alt, Mark
Subject: RE: Winter owl survey


Good luck surveying in Pine Co.!  It might be very interesting to see=20
how many owls start showing up in the southern counties.  Ben Yokel=20
mentioned that the number of ggow present in Sax/Zim has dropped off=20
significantly, probably due to the ice crust on the snow.  I look=20
forward to seeing your Jan. results.

Take care,

Dave Grosshuesch