[mou] Barrow's Goldeneye at Prescott WI/MN border

Tom Will tomwill@umn.edu
Sun, 2 Jan 2005 22:30:54 -0600

 From the bluffs at Freedom Park in Prescott, WI, I looked down on a 
male Barrow's Goldeneye in a large flock of Commons at 4:00 pm, 
Sunday, Jan 2.  The Barrow's was in a large flock of Commons rafting 
on the WI side of the Mississippi River.

This male was likely the same bird reported by Jim Mattsson from 
Prescott on Dec. 27.  Just as Jim said would happen with the 
Long-tailed Duck he saw from Freedom Park that same day, eagles 
eventually riled up the raft of ducks, and the Barrow's (and about 
200 Common Goldeneyes) flew in a wide arc over the Minnesota side.

Two Glaucous Gulls were also present.

Tom Will
Ramsey County