Ann and Manley Olson a_molson@unidial.com, a_molson@unidial.com
Tue, 04 Jan 2005 19:40:04 -0600

  I will be away all day on Wednesday so will not be giving an 
update.Today I saw the bird for about 10 minutes at the Howell site.I 
did not see it at all in our yard or the neighbors.It also was not seen 
in the morning at Howell as I talked with several peolple who looked for 
it.Its eratic appearances since Thursday lead me to believe that it has 
at least one other feding place. There are so many crabapple trees in 
the area that it would not have a problem with food.The places where it 
has been seen also have Spruce trees where the bird goes when alarmed.If 
you go looking for it you might try places that have both food and cover.
If you do find it on Wednesday put out a message.There continue to be 
people calling me or stopping by for whom this would be a life bird and 
would appreciate any news.
Manley Olson
1974 W Summer
Falcon Heights
651 644 2848