[mou] Pale Male & Lola etc

Stan Merrill stan1bb@frontiernet.net
Thu, 06 Jan 2005 10:53:11 -0600


Thought you'd enjoy Marie Winn's website. . .
http://www.mariewinn.com/disc.htm =20

In this fabulous picture taken by LINCOLN KARIM, you get the
best view anybody will ever get of Central Park's rare new
visitor, the Boreal Owl [Aegolius funereus] It has been
moving around in the vicinity of Tavern on the Green since
the Christmas Count. That was on Sunday December 19th. First
reported by birder Jim Demes, it was subsequenhtly
identified as a Boreal, not the somewhat similar but smaller
Saw-whet Owl by Peter Post. For the last three days it has
been roosting in a Holly near the restaurant. The best way
to find it: look for a crowd of people with binoculars. This
bird is a local celebrity.

Thanks, KimMarie, for sharing this with us!


Stan Merrill
Apple Valley, MN
Dakota Co.