[mou] Boreal Owl in Melrude

Byokel@aol.com Byokel@aol.com
Thu, 6 Jan 2005 20:17:41 EST

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Heidi located a roosting Boreal Owl in a remote corner of our yard today; I 
suspect that this bird has been present for a while, as we heard Jays and 
Chickadees scolding in this area last week (but we were unable to locate an owl at 
that time).  We still have 2 Great Grays as well, and a Hawkowl was present on 
January 2.  We have been scattering seeds on the plowed sections of our 
driveway, so perhaps these birds will find something to eat...
We will post again if the Boreal is relocated over the next few days...
Ben Yokel
Melrude (Cotton), MN

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<DIV>Heidi located a roosting Boreal Owl in a remote corner of our yard toda=
y; I suspect that this bird has been present for a while, as we heard Jays a=
nd Chickadees scolding in this area last week (but we were unable to locate=20=
an owl at that time).&nbsp; We still have 2 Great Grays as well, and a Hawko=
wl was present on January 2.&nbsp; We have been scattering seeds on&nbsp;the=
 plowed sections of our driveway, so perhaps these birds will find something=
 to eat...</DIV>
<DIV>We will post again if the Boreal is relocated over the next few days...=
<DIV>Ben Yokel</DIV>
<DIV>Melrude (Cotton), MN</DIV></BODY></HTML>
