[mou] Varied Thrush Falcon Heights

Ann and Manley Olson a_molson@unidial.com, a_molson@unidial.com
Fri, 07 Jan 2005 11:03:43 -0600

  The bird is being seen only at the yard on Howell & Prior.The owner is 
not a birder but has a feeder and has no problem with people walking 
into the yard to look for the Thrush.There are also at least two Robins 
there and Cedar Waxwings have been there this week.I have not seen it in 
my yard since Monday  and my neighbors,in whose yard it was most often 
seen,have not seen it either.While it has been seen every day at 
Howell,it is not always there.I suspect it has another feeding area as 
well.It has been seen flying away to the East across Howell and it could 
well be visiting somewhere on Tatum or adjacent streets.
I will be gone for two weeks and this is the last report.If you do see 
the bird I am sure that there are still people who would like to see it 
so please post a report.
I have had two people stop by today.I would also like to know if it is 
staying around.
Manley Olson