[mou] MOU grants

Ann E Kessen kess0010@umn.edu
Sun, 09 Jan 2005 13:36:04 CST

  The MOU is committed to fostering the study of birds, increasing public
interest in birds, and promoting  preservation of birds and their natural
habitats.  Toward these ends, the MOU annually considers funding requests
for bird-related projects.   
The amount awarded per request is dependent upon the moneys available in
any given year and upon the number of requests approved. 
  Applications requesting MOU funding of research or other bird-related
projects for the year 2005 must be received no later than February 1, 2005.
 Funding recipients will be notified in early March.
  Grant application information is available by emailing Ann Kessen, at 
  Applicants must describe the project for which funding is sought, its
goals, and how it will benefit birds or increase our understanding of
birds.  Location and dates of the project and a description of how the
project is to be carried out and how the MOU money will be used must also
be provided.  
  The MOU requires that its funding be acknowledged in all published
material associated with the project, and that one paper or report on the
project be submitted to the MOU for publication in either The Loon, the MOU
quarterly journal, or  Minnesota Birding.