[mou] northbound Great Grays

Jim Lind jslind@frontiernet.net
Sat, 15 Jan 2005 21:02:16 -0600

This afternoon I talked to some birders from Colorado at Lighthouse 
Point in Two Harbors, who said they saw 21 Great Gray Owls flying UP 
the shore across Agate Bay yesterday evening.  This was very 
surprising to hear, since just 12 days ago, on January 3, at least 16 
Great Grays were seen flying DOWN the shore (southwest) over 
Lighthouse Point and Agate Bay, with many more birds seen in 
subsequent days flying over the treetops in and near Duluth, all 
headed southwest.  Large numbers of Great Grays have subsequently 
been seen in Carlton, Pine, and Aitkin counties in MN, and Douglas 
Co. in WI.

So this evening Sharon and I went to Lighthouse Point from 4:55 to 
6:00 pm, and we counted 27 Great Gray Owls flying northeast across 
Agate Bay and up the shore.  Many were seen perched in the treetops 
at the crest of Port City Hill on the western shore of Agate Bay, 
then flying over the bay and over our heads.  This was really an 
amazing thing to see.

With the bitter cold of the last few days, and 10" of additional snow 
on the North Shore Wednesday, it is hard to imagine why birds would 
suddenly be moving north.  I have heard recent reports from people in 
Cook County who continue to see Great Grays along the shore, and I 
assumed these were birds continuing to head south from Canada.  It 
seems too early for birds to be headed back to breeding areas, but 
who knows?

I know where I'll be tomorrow night.

Jim Lind
Two Harbors