[mou] Yellow-billed Loon - NOT SEEN

M. Thomas Auer M. Thomas Auer" <mthomasauer@gmail.com
Mon, 17 Jan 2005 18:31:00 -0600

Today, myself and the Hockema brothers (John and Chris) spent almost a
full day searching for the Yellow-billed Loon, which had not been
sighted since Tuesday last week.

We spent the day scanning the waters around Two Harbors, Knife River
and Stony Point. It appears the bird is gone, as we had good viewing
conditions all day and never saw it.

Present were the following:

2 Harlequin Ducks - Agate Bay in Two Harbors
4-5 Great Gray Owls on the trail near the Two Harbor Lighthouse
1 Saw-whet Owl - Seen in Two Harbors thanks to a phone call from Jim Lind

Good Birding!
Tom Auer
Duluth, MN