[mou] Reminder for help

Randy Frederickson fredericksonr@willmar.k12.mn.us
Fri, 28 Jan 2005 10:16:24 -0600

A thank you and friendly reminder (it isn't nagging until I've asked three
or more times:-) to ALL BIRDERS in/visiting Minnesota to please consider
submitting expenditures to the MOU conservation committee of ANY AND ALL
bird related activities.

Inclusive dates are Oct. 1, 2004 to Feb. 28, 2005.

We are requesting a breakdown into several general categories:
- food
- lodging
- travel
- guide fees
- misc

What state are you from? Were you birding alone or with a group?

Thus far, I have received numerous replies from out of state birders.  I
hope this good will and assistance continues.

I have, however, NOT HEARD from many Minnesota birders.  If you are waiting
to submit all your expenses at once, that is terrific.  Do not overlook
travel to and from CBC's, travel and food for all you owl survey people,

I am working with Roger Schroeder to get total mileage for this year's

Replies can be sent directly to me at this e-mail address.

As many of you have requested, final data will be made available.

THANK YOU to all respondents; your help is GREATLY appreciated.

Randy Frederickson
MOU conservation committee