[mou] Loons on White Bear Lake

BobHoltz1933@aol.com BobHoltz1933@aol.com
Thu, 7 Jul 2005 13:21:08 EDT

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I just had a report from a lady living on White Bear Lake indicating that one 
pair and possibly a second pair of Common Loons are raising young on White 
Bear Lake. It is a very busy, boat wise, lake. Maybe someone living in that area 
can check that out. When was the last report of loons nesting on White Bear 

Bob Holtz

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<DIV>I just had a report from a lady living on White Bear Lake indicating th=
at one pair and possibly a second pair of Common Loons are raising young on=20=
White Bear Lake. It is a very busy, boat wise, lake. Maybe someone living in=
 that area can check that out. When was the last report of loons nesting on=20=
White Bear Lake?</DIV>
<DIV>Bob Holtz</DIV></BODY></HTML>
