[mou] Deadline for Golden-winged Warbler Workshop Approaches!

Tom_Will@fws.gov Tom_Will@fws.gov
Thu, 7 Jul 2005 14:54:03 -0500

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Dear MOU Members:

July 9  is the deadline for early registration and for making group rat=
room reservations for the Golden-winged Warbler Conservation Workshop
planned for August 10-12 in Siren, Wisconsin.  Please visit the worksho=
website at  http://www.grantsburg.k12.wi.us/gwwa/ for details.

The Golden-winged Warbler Conservation Workshop is designed for biologi=
researchers, conservation planners, managers, and for anybody intereste=
d in
improving the status of Golden-wings, whether you work for a state or
federal agency, conservation NGO, academic or research institution, loc=
planning or management unit, or private industry.  Concerned citizens a=
birders are also encouraged to attend.

This will be the first workshop focused solely on Golden-winged Warbler=
throughout the entire range of the species, including the wintering gro=
in Central America and northwestern South America.  We will have
representatives from the neotropics with us to help us plan a comprehen=
conservation strategy for the species.  The workshop will feature a fie=
trip to important GWWA habitats in Minnesota and Wisconsin and opportui=
for on-the-spot discussions of pratical management actions that would
benefit GWWAs in these habitats.

This is a workshop you will not want to miss!  For those unfamiliar wit=
the conservation planning/implementation continuum, the workshop will
provide a complete overview of the entire process as well as an opportu=
to explore some of the details of continental assessment, identificatio=
n of
reasons for decline, genetics, population and habitat modeling, definit=
of research priorities, management scenarios, conservation action, and
evaluation and monitoring.  Most importantly, the workshop will provide=
background and the opportunity for participants to help draft an action=

plan for Golden-wings within the context of all-bird conservation.   Th=
processes and skills employed in the workshop should serve as a model f=
similar actions for other species.

Plan now to attend!  And remember: Minnesota hosts an estimated 42% of =
global population of Golden-winged Warblers during the breeding season,=
our state is especially important to the conservation of this declining=


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<p>Dear MOU Members:<br>
<b><font size=3D"4">July 9</font></b>  is the deadline for early regist=
ration and for making group rate room reservations for the <b><font siz=
e=3D"4">Golden-winged Warbler Conservation Workshop</font></b> planned =
for August 10-12 in Siren, Wisconsin.  Please visit the workshop websit=
e at <font size=3D"4"> </font><a href=3D"http://www.grantsburg.k12.wi.u=
s/gwwa/"><u><font size=3D"4" color=3D"#0000FF">http://www.grantsburg.k1=
2.wi.us/gwwa/</font></u></a><font size=3D"4"> </font>for details<font s=
The Golden-winged Warbler Conservation Workshop is designed for biologi=
sts, researchers, conservation planners, managers, and for anybody inte=
rested in improving the status of Golden-wings, whether you work for a =
state or federal agency, conservation NGO, academic or research institu=
tion, local planning or management unit, or private industry.  Concerne=
d citizens and birders are also encouraged to attend.<br>
This will be the first workshop focused solely on Golden-winged Warbler=
s throughout the entire range of the species, including the wintering g=
rounds in Central America and northwestern South America.  We will have=
 representatives from the neotropics with us to help us plan a comprehe=
nsive conservation strategy for the species.  The workshop will feature=
 a field trip to important GWWA habitats in Minnesota and Wisconsin and=
 opportuities for on-the-spot discussions of pratical management action=
s that would benefit GWWAs in these habitats.<br>
This is a workshop you will not want to miss!  For those unfamiliar wit=
h the conservation planning/implementation continuum, the workshop will=
 provide a complete overview of the entire process as well as an opport=
unity to explore some of the details of continental assessment, identif=
ication of reasons for decline, genetics, population and habitat modeli=
ng, definition of research priorities, management scenarios, conservati=
on action, and evaluation and monitoring.  Most importantly, the worksh=
op will provide the background and the opportunity for participants to =
help draft an action plan for Golden-wings within the context of all-bi=
rd conservation.   The processes and skills employed in the workshop sh=
ould serve as a model for similar actions for other species.<br>
Plan now to attend!  And remember: Minnesota hosts an estimated 42% of =
the global population of Golden-winged Warblers during the breeding sea=
son, so our state is especially important to the conservation of this d=
eclining species.</body></html>=
