[mou] White-winged Dove still around!

Josh Watson jwkinglet@yahoo.com
Mon, 11 Jul 2005 07:46:10 -0700 (PDT)

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Hello All,
Peder Svingen came up around 7:30 this morning to look for the dove. After walking around our forty acres and spending quite a bit of time searching we finally discovered it at 8:37 am perched in a large dead birch tree along our open riding arena. It then flew towards us allowing extremely good views in flight alighting on a fence post of our horse pen where it sat for several minutes only and estimated 30 yards from us. After several minutes on the fence post it flew down and began foraging in the horse pen and then onto the short weedy grass between the horse pen and our gravel drive way. Peder and I watched if for about and hour and it was still there when he left. It cooperated very nice allowing us to see it from all angles including underneat and in flight. The bird seems comfortable here and appears as if it possible could stay awhile though you never no when they just pick up and leave. Good birding and I'll keep you posted. Again my phone number is (218)-387-1484 if
 is interested in coming up.
Josh Watson
Grand Marais

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<DIV>Hello All,</DIV>
<DIV>Peder Svingen came up around 7:30 this morning to look for the dove. After walking around our forty acres and spending quite a bit of time searching we finally discovered it at 8:37 am perched in a large dead birch tree along our open riding arena. It then flew towards us allowing extremely good views in flight alighting on a fence post of our horse pen where it sat for several minutes only and estimated 30 yards from us. After several minutes on the fence post it flew down and began foraging in the horse pen and then onto the short weedy grass between the horse pen and our gravel drive way. Peder and I watched if for about and hour and it was still there when he left. It cooperated very nice allowing us to see it from all angles including underneat and in flight. The bird seems comfortable here and appears as if it possible could stay awhile though you never no when they just pick up and leave. Good birding and I'll keep you posted. Again my phone number is (218)-387-14
 84 if
 anyone is interested in coming up.</DIV>
<DIV>Josh Watson</DIV>
<DIV>Grand Marais</DIV><p>__________________________________________________<br>Do You Yahoo!?<br>Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around <br>http://mail.yahoo.com 