[mou] Another wwdo update

Josh Watson jwkinglet@yahoo.com
Thu, 14 Jul 2005 16:17:32 -0700 (PDT)

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Hello all,
The dove is still perched in the aspen trees along the horse pen and hasn't left since Steve and Jo Blanich got to see it. While they watched it the dove cooperatively flew down and landed on the horse pen gate for several minutes and then flew to the ground and foraged awhile. Right now it is again up in the aspen trees roosting with a comfortable notion about it. I'll keep you with more updates. Good birding.
Josh Watson
Grand Marais

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<DIV>Hello all,</DIV>
<DIV>The dove is still perched in the aspen trees along the horse pen and hasn't left since Steve and Jo Blanich got to see it. While they watched it the dove cooperatively flew down and landed on the horse pen gate for several minutes and then flew to the ground and foraged awhile. Right now it is again up in the aspen trees roosting with a comfortable notion about it. I'll keep you with more updates. Good birding.</DIV>
<DIV>Josh Watson</DIV>
<DIV>Grand Marais</DIV><p>
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