[mou] Beltrami/Koochiching Counties this weekend

Pat DeWenter hoocooks4you@yahoo.com
Sun, 17 Jul 2005 13:22:35 -0700 (PDT)

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In spite of the extreme heat up here this weekend and time of year we got some good birds while birding with a visitor from WA state.  I was very pleased to pick up 11 warbler species for this girl, most of which were lifers for her, as she hasn't birded the eastern U.S. before.  We missed on the Connecticut as there were none singing anywhere anymore.
At the Big Bog SRA boardwalk and area near Washkish yesterday morning we saw the following birds:
Along the road on the south side of the small lake and parking lot we had EVENING GROSBEAKS (flock of 5), MOURNING and GOLDEN-WINGED Warblers, AMERICAN WOODCOCK (flushed twice while walking along the road), LEAST FLYCATCHERS (many calling) and EASTERN WOOD PEWEE  and many singing RED-EYED VIREOS.
 The boardwalk that is being built (all metal with many benches along the walk) is long and a fantastic structure.  It is about a mile long!  We didn't cover the whole thing due to the heat, but in the approximately 3/4 mile that we covered we had VEERY, WHITE-THROATED SPARROWS (many), BLACK AND WHITE and YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER and a singing LECONTE'S SPARROW.  This bird responded very well to the recording I played and gave us wonderful looks.
Other birds seen in Beltrami County this weekend included OVENBIRD, BROWN THRASHER, RED-BELLIED WOODPECKERS (male and female at our feeders), BLACKBURNIAN and YELLOW Warbler, BLACK-BILLED MAGPIE and 2 SANDHILL CRANES.
In Koochiching County along CR 13, we had a flock of BOREAL CHICKADEES (about 1 mile south of where Craig Mandell previously reported them.) and a HERMIT THRUSH.   Warblers seen along the road were CHESTNUT-SIDED, BAY-BREASTED and a first year male AMERICAN REDSTART, the latter two in the company of the chickadees.
Pat DeWenter

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<DIV>In spite of the extreme heat up here this weekend and time of year&nbsp;we got some good birds while birding with a visitor from WA state.&nbsp; I was very pleased to pick up 11 warbler species for this girl, most of which were lifers for her, as she hasn't birded the eastern U.S. before.&nbsp; We missed on the Connecticut as there were none singing anywhere anymore.</DIV>
<DIV>At the Big Bog SRA boardwalk and area near Washkish yesterday morning we saw the following birds:</DIV>
<DIV>Along the road on the south side of the small lake and parking lot we had EVENING GROSBEAKS (flock of 5), MOURNING and GOLDEN-WINGED Warblers,&nbsp;AMERICAN WOODCOCK&nbsp;(flushed twice while walking along the road),&nbsp;LEAST FLYCATCHERS&nbsp;(many calling) and EASTERN WOOD PEWEE&nbsp; and many singing RED-EYED VIREOS.</DIV>
<DIV>&nbsp;The boardwalk that is being built (all metal with many benches along the walk) is long and a fantastic structure.&nbsp; It is about a mile long!&nbsp; We didn't cover the whole thing due to the heat, but in the approximately 3/4 mile that we covered we had VEERY, WHITE-THROATED SPARROWS (many), BLACK AND WHITE and YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER and a singing LECONTE'S SPARROW.&nbsp; This bird responded very well to the recording I played and gave us wonderful looks.</DIV>
<DIV>Other birds seen in Beltrami County this weekend included OVENBIRD, BROWN THRASHER, RED-BELLIED WOODPECKERS (male and female at our feeders), BLACKBURNIAN and YELLOW&nbsp;Warbler,&nbsp;BLACK-BILLED MAGPIE&nbsp;and 2 SANDHILL CRANES.</DIV>
<DIV>In Koochiching County along CR 13, we had a flock of&nbsp;BOREAL CHICKADEES&nbsp;(about 1 mile south of where Craig Mandell previously reported them.)&nbsp;and a HERMIT THRUSH.&nbsp; &nbsp;Warblers seen along the road were&nbsp;CHESTNUT-SIDED, BAY-BREASTED&nbsp;and a first year male AMERICAN REDSTART, the latter two in the company of the chickadees.</DIV>
<DIV>Pat DeWenter</DIV>