[mou] NST Sparrow in Traverse Co.

Benjamin Fritchman fieldfare21@hotmail.com
Wed, 20 Jul 2005 23:24:16 -0500

Today I went out to the Mud Lake area to look for some shorebirds. I did not 
find the Red Knot previously reported, but there were several hundred 
shorebirds of 11 species, although none out of the ordinary.
To get to the flooded field, go north on the dirt road from Hwy. 117 just 
east of the South Dakota border. After the dirt road turns north, you'll see 
the field to the west. Anyway, around 9 A.M. I was walking along the road 
looking at shorebirds when a Sharp-tailed Sparrow started singing on the 
east side of the road. You'll see a small island of trees, and the Sparrow 
was between these trees and the road. It seems to me that the little guy was 
a little south of his normal range, but it was good habitat for him.
The only other bird of note were the two EC Doves in Herman.

Ben Fritchman
Long Prairie, MN