[mou] Brown Pelican update 7/21

James Mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Fri, 22 Jul 2005 00:36:50 -0500

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>From 1:00 - 8:40pm today, Kim Eckert, Bob Russell and I were unsuccessful in locating the Brown Pelican. A few other birders were present during most of this time and were also unsuccessful. We made several visits to the usual spots and even searched other water bodies in the region. The Black-headed Gull was present most of the afternoon at the usual spot on the rocks south of the fishing pier at the north end of Big Spirit Lake and also made two appearances between 7:00-8:15pm at the small wooded island on Little Spirit Lake where the Brown Pelican has roosted for much of this week. An adult Peregrine Falcon was present near the boat launch at Little Spirit Lake around 7:30pm. 

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<DIV>From 1:00 - 8:40pm today, Kim Eckert, Bob Russell and I were unsuccessful in locating the Brown Pelican. A few other birders were present during most of this time&nbsp;and were also unsuccessful. We made several visits to the usual spots and even searched other water bodies in the region. The Black-headed Gull was present most of the afternoon at the usual spot on the rocks south of the fishing pier at the north end of Big Spirit Lake and also made two appearances between 7:00-8:15pm at the small wooded island on Little Spirit Lake where the Brown Pelican has roosted for much of this week. An adult Peregrine Falcon was&nbsp;present near the boat launch at Little Spirit Lake around 7:30pm. </DIV>