[mou] Clark's Grebe

Nicol, Mary mary.nicol@medtronic.com
Thu, 21 Jul 2005 21:14:55 -0500

On July 20, 2005, we set out on Lake Osakis to look for a Clark's Grebe. =
 Sightings were previously reported this month on the lake so we thought =
we'd try our luck.  Conditions were clear sunny skies with a very light =
At 9:45am we spotted a Clark's Grebe approximately 1/2 mile northwest  =
of the city of Osakis in open water with several families of Western =
Grebes in the vicinity. The Clark's distinguishing features were easily =
seen:  orangish-yellow bill, eyes surrounded by white below the black =
cap, back feathers more grayish in appearance than it's Western =
counterpart, and the black stripe on the back of it's neck narrower than =
the Western's.  Two young swam right next to it. The mate had features =
more closely resembling a Western, in particular, the  black cap =
appeared to surround the eye, although it was difficult to establish =
this with certainty.

Jimmie Browning
Mary Nicol
Mary Scattarelli
Debbie Scattarelli

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