[mou] Might makes Right!

Ron Green rongreen@charter.net
Wed, 27 Jul 2005 06:23:53 -0500

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I was up on a hill photographing a georgeous Great Egret along the =
Mississippi in Winona on this last Sunday. I was fairly successful at =
getting one fish after another. It seemed to have located a fertile =
feeding spot. Anyway, as I was standing there with my camera on its =
tripod, I saw a fishing boat coming towards me. The Egret was right =
around the bend opposite of me. As the men approaced, they looked at me =
and then rounded the corner, looked at the Egret, and then they headed =
straight for it. Of course, it then flew a short ways down stream and =
landed on a stump at the edge out of the water. Soon, it was back in the =
water fishing. I then moved down stream and resumed taking pictures of =
it. The fishermen also were fishing at were they stopped up stream. =
However, within about 10 minutes, here they come down to where I a at =
and to my surprise, they then made a bee line for the bird. This of =
course made it fly. Maybe all this was coicidence, or just my =
imagination, but it sure appeared that their actions were deliberate and =
a form of harrassment! As I packed up and drove away, I started =
thinking, "I wonder if the scenario been a river in Alaska with a =
grizzly or Alaskian brown bear in the Egret's place, would the fishermen =
have made different choices that morning?" For their sake, I would hope =
so! Anyway, it seems to be a sad commentary on our humanity that we just =
don't grasp the past lessons that on the short term, "might may dictate =
right", but we ultimately pay on the long term for exercising that =
option. And, unfortunately, we never seem to do a good job of =
associating the consequences with our past behaviors and choices. So we =
just keep on repeating our selfish choices without regards for the well =
being of others, including birds and other creatures around us! I =
apologize for the rambling, I guess I needed to get the frustration off =
my chest! By the way, I did get some nice images (which I will post in a =
few days), so this is not a complaint that I missed some shots.

Ron Green
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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I was up on a hill photographing a =
georgeous Great=20
Egret along the Mississippi in Winona on this last Sunday. I was fairly=20
successful at getting one fish after another. It seemed to have located =
fertile feeding spot. Anyway, as I was standing there with my camera on =
tripod, I saw a fishing boat coming towards me. The Egret was =
the bend opposite of me. As&nbsp;the men approaced, they looked at me =
then&nbsp;rounded the corner, looked at the Egret, and&nbsp;then=20
they&nbsp;headed straight for it. Of course, it then&nbsp;flew a short =
ways down=20
stream and landed on a stump at the edge&nbsp;out of the water. Soon, it =
back in the water fishing. I&nbsp;then moved down stream and resumed =
pictures of it. The fishermen&nbsp;also were&nbsp;fishing at were they =
up stream.&nbsp;However, within about 10 minutes, here they come down to =
where I=20
a at and to my surprise, they&nbsp;then made a bee =
line&nbsp;for&nbsp;the bird.=20
This of course&nbsp;made it&nbsp;fly. Maybe all this =
was&nbsp;coicidence, or=20
just my imagination, but it sure appeared that their=20
actions&nbsp;were&nbsp;deliberate and a form of harrassment! As I packed =
up and=20
drove away, I&nbsp;started&nbsp;thinking, "I wonder if the&nbsp;scenario =
a&nbsp;river&nbsp;in&nbsp;Alaska with a&nbsp;grizzly or Alaskian brown=20
bear&nbsp;in the Egret's place, would the fishermen have made=20
different&nbsp;choices that morning?"&nbsp;For&nbsp;their sake, I would =
so!&nbsp;Anyway, it seems to be a sad commentary on our humanity that we =
don't grasp the past lessons that on the short term, "might may dictate =
but we ultimately pay on the long term for exercising that option. And,=20
unfortunately, we never seem to do a good job of associating the =
with our past behaviors and choices. So we just keep on repeating=20
our&nbsp;selfish choices without regards for the well being of others, =
birds and other creatures around us! I apologize for the&nbsp;rambling, =
I guess=20
I needed to get the frustration off my chest! By the way, I did get some =
images (which I will post in a few days), so this is not a complaint =
that I=20
missed some shots.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT><FONT face=3DArial =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Ron Green<BR><A=20
