[mou] Meadowlands Meeting

Sharon Stiteler sharonks@mn.rr.com
Wed, 27 Jul 2005 09:38:34 -0500

Last night's meeting was really great.  There were close to 70 people
including business owners and town officials who want to market to birders
and residents were just curious with what is going on.  The Mayor of
Floodwood actually said, "Anything  McDavitt township can do for birders, we
want to do it."

Public restrooms, bird feeding areas, potential parking areas were all
discussed.  This is going in a great direction and the town of Meadowlands
is really excited about promoting their sewage ponds.  Incidentally, the
owner of the Country Store in Meadowlands is selling shirts, she has a cute
one available about birding in Sax Zim Bog.  You can see the logo on my


Birding in this area is going to get better with all the different groups
working together and keeping respectful communication lines open.

Sharon Stiteler
Minneapolis, MN