[mou] Sax Zim

Mike Hendrickson smithville4@charter.net
Wed, 27 Jul 2005 16:46:07 -0500

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I think its great that the people in the area are more accepting to =
birders.  I knew last winter the owner of the Meadowlands Co-op was =
going to do more for birders as far as sweatshirts and other bird items. =
Since I was in the store practically there every day for 3 months. I am =
glad that this group are working with the 1-2 residents that were upset =
with birders who were standing on a public road to view their feeders. =
They were upset with all the guides, photographers and birding =
individuals who stopped. How could you not stopped when there were =
hundred of redpolls & Pine Grosbeaks gritting on Co. Rd 7 in front of =
their house each morning.  That is why I told many many birders to look =
for the Hawk Owls & Great Grey Owls, Woodpeckers and Sharp-tail Grouse =
then head up to Isabella to bird at the feeding station ( Moose Cafe) to =
see the same species you would find in Sax Zim Bog at your own leisure =
without getting harassed and threaten by these residents.  (MANY DID)

I also know Floodwood is a long way from Sax Zim ( 20+ miles) and the =
only time birders go to Floodwood is on the Hawk Ridge Birdathon to bird =
the sewage ponds.  Also the Meadowland sewage ponds like most other =
sewage ponds are locked up and there are 1-2 viewing areas to view the =
ponds. Again like the Floodwood sewage ponds they are only birded on one =
day each May and the rest of the time of the year they are not birded by =
birders. Reason is because these ponds are not a magnet for shorebirds & =
waterfowl.  That is a birding fact.

The land on both sides of McDavitt Rd is state land!  There is already a =
wide swatch of bog logged out on the east side of McDavitt Rd. Many of =
you birders seen this last winter or walked down it looking for the =
Three-toed Woodpecker. This  road is meant to let logging equipment into =
the bog so they can do their logging.   There is another logging road on =
Owl Ave.  If you walk along this road you can see they are logging back =
on Owl Ave further out from the road.  There is another logged area just =
north of the MOU leased land on the west of the road. Sure the State is =
going to say its ALL about insect control but the state is also making =
$$ off these loggers by opening these sites to them.  I never heard of a =
bloodworm or whatever insect that is harming the conifers in the bogs =
and I know there are a lot of insects in the woods.  Logging down these =
sensitive bogs and eliminating the habitat for many birds that use the =
bog is not good.

So again its great that birding is being accepted by the locals and the =
businesses in this area but all of this will be wasted when there is no =
more habitat to lure the birders to see birds like Conn. Warbler, =
Yellow-bellied Flycatchers, Mourning Warblers,  and Great Grey Owls and =
ect..  Sharon Stiteler website talked in depth about the meeting last =
night and nothing of any substance was mention in the meeting about the =
logging except this group seems to favor or accept the fact that a lot =
of logging is being done in the bog.  I am very concern about and I know =
others are as well. =20

I remember how alarmed we birders were when the "bend" of Owl Ave was =
mowed down, I also heard the cries of some birders in Melrude and in =
Duluth about the logging and widening of ditches on Stone Lake Rd and =
all along Owl Ave.  These were great concerns back then and we were =
encourage to write to our commissioners and other politicians.  This was =
done long before this group was organized.  I thought that this group =
was going to be very active in halting the logging but from what I =
reading in past minutes and comments they are doing a lot of PR work on =
the hobby of birding, economics with business owners and ideas of trails =
and turn around areas for cars.

  In my opinion it will not be long before McDavitt and Admiral Roads =
will be logged out for " insect control" it will not be long that Owl =
Ave will be logged out as well.  I hope it doesn't happen but it doesn't =
look good either.
Michael Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota
Minnesota Birding Treks
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<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>I think its great that the =
people in the=20
area are more accepting to birders.&nbsp; I knew last winter the owner =
of the=20
Meadowlands Co-op was going to do more for birders as far as sweatshirts =
other bird items. Since I was in the store practically there every day =
for 3=20
months. I am glad that&nbsp;this group&nbsp;are working with the 1-2 =
that were upset with birders who were standing on a public road to view =
feeders. They were upset with all the guides, photographers and birding=20
individuals who stopped. How could you not stopped when there were =
hundred of=20
redpolls &amp; Pine Grosbeaks gritting on Co. Rd 7 in front of their =
house each=20
morning. &nbsp;That is why I told many many birders to look for the Hawk =
&amp; Great Grey Owls, Woodpeckers and Sharp-tail Grouse then head up to =

Isabella to bird at the feeding station ( Moose Cafe) to see the same =
you would find in Sax Zim Bog at your own leisure without getting =
harassed and=20
threaten by these residents.&nbsp; (MANY DID)</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2></FONT><FONT face=3D"Comic =
Sans MS"=20
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>I also know Floodwood is a =
long way from=20
Sax Zim ( 20+ miles) and the only time birders go to Floodwood is on the =
Ridge&nbsp;Birdathon to bird the sewage ponds.&nbsp; Also the Meadowland =
ponds like most other sewage ponds are locked up and there&nbsp;are 1-2 =
areas to view the ponds. Again like the Floodwood sewage ponds they are =
birded on one day&nbsp;each May and the rest of the time of the year =
they are=20
not birded by birders. Reason is because&nbsp;these ponds are not a =
magnet for=20
shorebirds &amp; waterfowl.&nbsp; That is a birding fact.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>The land on both sides of =
McDavitt Rd is=20
state land!&nbsp; There is already a wide swatch of bog&nbsp;logged out =
on the=20
east side of McDavitt Rd.&nbsp;Many of you birders seen this last winter =
walked down it looking for the&nbsp;Three-toed =
Woodpecker.&nbsp;This&nbsp; road=20
is meant to let logging&nbsp;equipment into the bog so they can&nbsp;do =
logging.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is another logging road on Owl =
Ave.&nbsp; If you=20
walk along this road you can see they are logging back on Owl Ave =
further out=20
from the road.&nbsp; There is another logged area just north of the MOU =
land on the west of the road. Sure the State is going to say its ALL =
insect control but the state is also making $$ off these loggers by =
these sites to them.&nbsp; I never heard of a bloodworm or whatever =
insect that=20
is harming the conifers in the bogs and I know there are a lot of =
insects in the=20
woods.&nbsp; Logging down these sensitive bogs and eliminating the =
habitat for=20
many birds that use the bog is not good.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>So again its great that =
birding is being=20
accepted by the locals and the businesses in this area but all of this =
will be=20
wasted when there is no more habitat to lure the birders to see birds =
like Conn.=20
Warbler, Yellow-bellied Flycatchers, Mourning Warblers,&nbsp; and Great =
Owls and ect.. &nbsp;Sharon Stiteler website talked in depth about the =
last night and nothing of any substance was mention in the meeting about =
logging except this group seems to favor or accept the fact that a lot =
logging is being done in the bog.&nbsp; I am very concern about =
and&nbsp;I know=20
others are as well.&nbsp;&nbsp;</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>I remember how alarmed we =
birders were=20
when&nbsp;the "bend" of Owl Ave was mowed down, I also heard the cries =
of some=20
birders in Melrude and in Duluth about the logging and widening of =
ditches on=20
Stone Lake Rd and all&nbsp;along Owl Ave.&nbsp; These were great=20
concerns&nbsp;back then and we were encourage to write to our =
commissioners and=20
other politicians.&nbsp; This was done long before this group was=20
organized.&nbsp; I thought that&nbsp;this group was&nbsp;going to be =
very active=20
in halting the logging but from what I reading in past minutes and =
comments they=20
are doing a lot of PR work on the hobby of birding, economics with =
owners and ideas of trails and turn around areas for cars.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>&nbsp; In my opinion it will =
not be long=20
before McDavitt and Admiral Roads will be logged out for " insect =
control" it=20
will not be long that Owl Ave will be logged out as well.&nbsp;&nbsp;I =
hope it=20
doesn't happen but it doesn't look good either.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>&nbsp; </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>Michael =
Minnesota<BR>Minnesota Birding Treks<BR><A=20
