[mou] BB Cuckoo - Duluth

TeamVagrant@aol.com TeamVagrant@aol.com
Sat, 30 Jul 2005 09:21:10 EDT

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Well, it was a thrill for me -- A Black-billed Cuckoo hung around all  
afternoon yesterday.  That inched our window list to 110 sp.  Pretty  quiet around 
here except for the youngsters who either don't know the words or  the melody 
-- or both.  My wife spotted a Solitary SP on the pond two  days ago.  All 9 of 
our ducklings made it to fly away on their own, and our  Kestrels must have 
flown away as soon as they went out the door. We haven't seen  or heard from 
them for about a week.  I don't remember so many Mourning  Warblers in the past. 
 They are very brave, watching me within a few feet  while I work on the wood 
pile.  More vocal throughout hot summer days than  I recall too.
I did see a Great Gray Owl between Buhl and MT Iron about two weeks  ago.  
A large bear (I mean large-400#?) helped himself to one of our feeders the  
other day.  I was able to get a little bit of video of him.  

Chris  Elmgren
Gnesen TWP

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<DIV>Well, it was a thrill for me -- A Black-billed Cuckoo hung around all=20
afternoon yesterday.&nbsp; That inched our window list to 110 sp.&nbsp; Pret=
quiet around here except for the youngsters who either don't know the words=20=
the melody --&nbsp;or both.&nbsp; My wife spotted a Solitary SP on the pond=20=
days ago.&nbsp; All 9 of our ducklings made it to fly away on their own, and=
Kestrels must have flown away as soon as they went out the door. We haven't=20=
or heard from them for about a week.&nbsp; I don't remember so many Mourning=
Warblers in the past.&nbsp; They are very brave, watching me within a few fe=
while I work on the wood pile.&nbsp; More vocal throughout hot summer days t=
I recall too.</DIV>
<DIV>I did see a Great Gray Owl between Buhl and MT Iron about two weeks=20
ago.&nbsp; </DIV>
<DIV>A large bear (I mean large-400#?) helped himself to one of our feeders=20=
other day.&nbsp; I was able to get a little bit of video of him.=20
<DIV><FONT lang=3D0 face=3DArial size=3D2 FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" PTSIZE=3D"10"=
Elmgren<BR>Gnesen TWP<BR>Duluth</FONT></DIV></DIV></FONT></BODY></HTML>
