[mou] Sherburne NWR

Pastor Al Schirmacher PastorAl@PrincetonFreeChurch.net
Sun, 31 Jul 2005 07:46:01 -0500

Had 82 species in & around Sherburne NWR Saturday morning.  Unusual among
the finds were two Nashville Warblers in two separate locations (early
migrants?).  The Hooded Warbler was still present (giving great looks along
the hill); however, did not relocate the Acadian Flycatcher (perhaps simply
not singing?) or the Upland Sandpiper.  Scoped some of the Auto Tour ponds
for the possible Little Blue Heron without success.  Did have eight
shorebird species (most unique being White-rumped and Baird's - would trade
a few peeps for larger shorebirds!), but not in the refuge proper.

There's a sighting of a Cape May Warbler on the Auto Tour board - now that
would be an early migrant!

If you come, bring repellant & netting - the deer flies are beyond fierce.

Good birding to all.

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN