[mou] Link to map and photos of MOU land in Sax-Zim

Alt, Mark Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com
Wed, 1 Jun 2005 17:35:59 -0500


Is a link to the google map page that show the location of the MOU plot =
of land. You can zoom out to get oriented to the area, or you can zoom =
out one level and click on "satellite" which will show you photos of the =
area. Again, the land is =BD mile north of the "L" intersection of  S. =
Overton and Overton, and =BC mile east of this same intersection. If =
anyone gets GPS coordinates for this land please publish them. Good =

Mark Alt=20
Minnesota Ornithologists Union
J. F. Bell Museum of Natural History
University of Minnesota
10 Church Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0104
Cell:  612-803-9085