[mou] Say's Phoebe & Rock Wren Update, Sunday, June 5th

Mcitsay@aol.com Mcitsay@aol.com
Sun, 5 Jun 2005 18:09:25 EDT

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Good Afternoon, 
Connie and I observed both birds at their previously described locations.  
The wren was singing on top of the 6006/6002 rock pile and the phoebe was 200  
yds away to the northwest working the edge of the gravel pit.
We appreciate all the updates this last two weeks.
Mark S Citsay & Connie L Osbeck
Lake Elmo, MN
Washington County

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<DIV>Good Afternoon, </DIV>
<DIV>Connie and I observed both birds at their previously described location=
The wren was singing on top of the 6006/6002 rock pile and the phoebe was 20=
yds away to the northwest working the edge of the gravel pit.</DIV>
<DIV>We appreciate all the updates this last two weeks.</DIV>
<DIV>Mark S Citsay &amp; Connie L Osbeck</DIV>
<DIV>Lake Elmo, MN</DIV>
<DIV>Washington County</DIV></FONT></BODY></HTML>
