[mou] Black headed grsbk- refound

Randy Frederickson fredericksonr@willmar.k12.mn.us
Tue, 07 Jun 2005 19:22:04 -0500

Thanks to gracious assistance from Jeanie Joppru, home owner Mary Broten,
and good luck charm Ben Fritchman, Ben and I saw the black-headed grosbeak
north of Thief River Falls just after noon today.

I arrived just after 10:00 a.m. and heard what I presumed (and later
verified) was the bird.  So I sat down about 50 yards from the feeders and
waited, and waited, and waited.  Saw 2 male rose breasteds and two female
grosbeaks but the black headed did not show.  When Ben arrived we looked for
it and found it about 30 yards into the woods near the large wooden topped
mammal feeders.

A rose breasted male has a territory right next to, but seemingly not
overlapping the black headed area.

The song is very similar to a rose breasted, but a bit more "choppy."  Also,
it does not carry as well; the bird sounded somewhat muted compared to the
rose breasted. If you hear it well, he is fairly close (at least that is how
it played out for us).

The homeowners request permission to anyone entering their yard, so you must
call ahead.

Home # 218 874-2080
Work # 218 681-0889

Thanks again to Ben (for feeding the numerous mosquitoes), Jeanie and Mary

Randy Frederickson

P.s. The entire western part of the state has standing water in fields and
low areas, some spots are near flood stage.