[mou] Success! Black-headed grosbeak seen

Shelley Steva crossbill7200@yahoo.com
Wed, 8 Jun 2005 10:32:10 -0700 (PDT)

 Many thanks to Mary Broten for allowing us to go into
her yard.  He was hard to find except when he was on
the feeder- I heard him long before I saw him. What a
handsome bird- I'm glad that I got to see him.
  I also saw 3 or so chestnut-sided warblers in the
yard. There are not many places in Marshall Co. where
I have seen these birds in the summertime.  A family
of common ravens flew over as well- these are also
uncommon in the summer as well.
  One thing that I saw that are not uncommon- a flock
of 100 or more Canada geese flying in a double vee

Good Birding 
Shelley Steva
Pennington Co.

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