[mou] E. Collared-Dove/Renville Co.

Brian Smith brsmith@sleepyeyetel.net
Sun, 12 Jun 2005 20:31:27 -0500

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I was passing through Bird Island in Renville county this morning (after =
completing a Breeding Bird Survey) and found a pair of Eurasian =
Collared-Doves along Main Street.  They were feeding on the ground and =
just happened to fly up into a tree as I drove by.  The exact spot where =
I found them was at 411 Main St.  I know there are previous records of =
ECD in Renville county as I saw my first life bird in the town of =
Renville several years ago.  Perhaps these birds in Bird Island have =
been reported before, if so, I don't recall hearing about it.

Also, when I arrived at my starting point for the survey at 4:45 am =
today, there was a Whip-poor-will calling right outside of where I was =
parked.   I crossed my fingers and hoped that it would continue to call =
when my survey was set to start at 5:02 am so I could officially count =
it and fortunately it did! If anyone is interested, the Whip-poor-will =
was found at the intersection of Renville county 5 and 410th Street, =
just a few miles SE of Franklin.   =20

Good birding,

Brian Smith
Sleepy Eye  
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<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV>I was passing through Bird Island in Renville county this morning =
completing a Breeding Bird Survey) and found a pair of Eurasian =
along Main Street.&nbsp; They were feeding on the ground and just =
happened to=20
fly up into a tree as I drove by.&nbsp; The exact&nbsp;spot where I =
found them=20
was at 411 Main St.&nbsp; I know there are&nbsp;previous records of ECD =
Renville county as I&nbsp;saw&nbsp;my first life bird&nbsp;in the town =
Renville several years ago.&nbsp; Perhaps these&nbsp;birds in Bird =
Island have=20
been reported&nbsp;before, if so, I don't recall hearing about it.</DIV>
<DIV>Also, when I&nbsp;arrived at my starting point for the survey at =
4:45 am=20
today, there was a Whip-poor-will calling right outside of&nbsp;where I =
parked. &nbsp; I&nbsp;crossed my fingers and hoped that it would =
continue to=20
call when my survey was set to start at 5:02 am so I could officially =
count it=20
and fortunately it did! If anyone is interested, the Whip-poor-will was =
found at=20
the intersection of Renville county 5 and 410th Street, just a few miles =
SE of=20
Franklin.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV>Good birding,</DIV>
<DIV>Brian Smith</DIV>
<DIV>Sleepy Eye&nbsp; </DIV></BODY></HTML>
