[mou] Rock Wren Singing, Say's Phoebe??

chetmeyers@visi.com chetmeyers@visi.com
Sat, 25 Jun 2005 20:52:04 -0500

Chet Meyers writes:
June 25th Miriam and I birded Felton Prairie and easily saw the rock wren at its
regular location.  Actually it moved to the top of at least five different rocks
piles.  However, no sign of the Say's phoebes.  After our search, eight other
birders searched with similar results.  Hope they just took a break.  We did
see numbers of chestnut-collared longspurs, orchard orioles (at least 4), one
western kingbird and three loggerhead shrikes (and one baby).  Hope others have
more luck than we did on the phoebes.
Chet Meyers, Hennepin County