[mou] Feeder buntings

m.whitcomb m.whitcomb@att.net
Tue, 28 Jun 2005 18:54:34 +0000

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My son has a thistle feeder that attracts at least two male indigo buntings on a daily basis.  There may be more, but just two have been seen at the same time.  No females have been noted.  Is this an unusual feeder visitor, or has anyone else seen this occur?  Thanks.
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<!-- WEBMAIL STATIONERY noneset -->
<DIV>My son has a thistle feeder that attracts at least two male indigo buntings on a daily basis.&nbsp; There may be more, but just two have been seen at the same time.&nbsp; No females have been noted.&nbsp; Is this an unusual feeder visitor, or has anyone else seen this occur?&nbsp; Thanks.</DIV>

