[mou] FW: Jude, 28 Feb 05

Alt, Mark Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com
Tue, 1 Mar 2005 08:41:55 -0600

Mark Alt=20
Sr. Project Manager=20
Entertainment Software Supply Chain=20
Project Resources Group (PRG)=20
Best Buy Co., Inc.=20
(W) 612-291-6717=20
(Cell) 612-803-9085

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Williams [mailto:two-jays@att.net]=20
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 5:37 PM
Subject: Jude, 28 Feb 05

Jude was moved today into the rehab unit at North Memorial Medical=20
Center, the hospital where she has been since her surgery on 12 Feb.=20
This means she is strong enough to begin the work that will help her=20
regain whatever functions her body allows. She remains paralyzed on her=20
right side. She has expressive aphasia, which means she has trouble=20
putting her thoughts into understandable speech. She will work with=20
four therapists each day in her efforts to repair this damage. There=20
are no guarantees here, but she is strong, brave, and determined. I=20
wish I was as strong and as brave as she is. Keep her in your thoughts=20
and prayers.