[mou] Birding today

Bernard P. Friel wampy@att.net
Fri, 04 Mar 2005 21:56:29 -0600

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The boreal was still around on Tues Am. March 1. I located it on the South
side of the expressway about 9 AM and photographed it in a red pine about
100 yards north of Bergquist Rd. It moved a bit when bothered by some
Chicadees and then hunted , caught  something, and flew back into the woods.
This sequence lasted about 45 minutes and provided great photo
opportunities. During that time a couple also stopped  to observe and
another photographer  from Duluth also stopped and had good photo
Bernie Friel

on 3/4/05 9:13 PM, Mike Hendrickson at smithville4@charter.net wrote:

I was out today with a birder from San Diego, California. He had 5 target
birds and we found 6.
-Hawk Owl
-Black-backed Woodpeckers (McDavitt Rd - Sax Zim Bog)
-Northern Shrike
-Sharp-tailed Grouse at the Co. Rd 29 Lek Sax Zim Bog
-Bohemian Waxwings in Two Harbors
-Hoary Redpoll in Two Harbors
* Tried for the Boreal Owls today and failed 3X.  I was out last Monday and
could not relocate them either. My opinion they moved on.
Michael Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota
Minnesota Birding Treks

Bernard P. Friel
Web Page - http://www.wampy.com

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<TITLE>Re: [mou] Birding today</TITLE>
The boreal was still around on Tues Am. March 1. I located it on the South =
side of the expressway about 9 AM and photographed it in a red pine about 10=
0 yards north of Bergquist Rd. It moved a bit when bothered by some Chicadee=
s and then hunted , caught &nbsp;something, and flew back into the woods. Th=
is sequence lasted about 45 minutes and provided great photo opportunities. =
During that time a couple also stopped &nbsp;to observe and another photogra=
pher &nbsp;from Duluth also stopped and had good photo opportunities.<BR>
Bernie Friel<BR>
on 3/4/05 9:13 PM, Mike Hendrickson at smithville4@charter.net wrote:<BR>
<BLOCKQUOTE><FONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS">I was out today with =
a birder from San Diego, California. He had 5 target birds and we found 6.<B=
<FONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS">-Hawk Owl<BR>
-Black-backed Woodpeckers (McDavitt Rd - Sax Zim Bog)<BR>
-Northern Shrike<BR>
-Sharp-tailed Grouse at the Co. Rd 29 Lek Sax Zim Bog<BR>
-Bohemian Waxwings in Two Harbors<BR>
-Hoary Redpoll in Two Harbors<BR>
<FONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS">* Tried for the Boreal Owls today=
 and failed 3X. &nbsp;I was out last Monday and could not relocate them eith=
er. My opinion they moved on.<BR>
<FONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS">Michael Hendrickson<BR>
Duluth, Minnesota<BR>
Minnesota Birding Treks<BR>
-- <BR>
Bernard P. Friel<BR>
Web Page - http://www.wampy.com<BR>
