[mou] Seasonal Report website

Paul Budde pbudde@earthlink.net
Sun, 6 Mar 2005 12:01:16 -0600

For those of you who have not registered for this page but would like to
take a look at it, you can visit it using the following login available to
the general public:


I suggest you go to the "seasonal summary report" page.  After taking a
quick look at the page, click on "Species Maps" under the "Count and
Details" text box (middle of the right side).  Select the "Winter 2004"
season at the top of the page.  Scroll down and you'll see from which
counties Northern Hawk Owl, Great Gray Owls, and Boreals Owls have been
reported via this website. If you want to add some of your sightings to fill
in the missing counties, you'll ahev to actually register and select your
own userID and password.

PLEASE do not submit any valid data using this login, as this is for testing
purposes and casual viewing.  None of this data under "anonymous" will be


Paul Budde
Minneapolis, Minnesota